Kaypacha’s Astrology for the Soul, August 3-10, 2016

This was uploaded this morning, but now is the first chance for me to post here. And I do enjoy just taking the time to watch it, write a tiny summary and the mantra, and share it with all of you folk out there who may enjoy it being presented this way.

Tom heralds today from Renee Le Chateau and the Church of Magdalene in Southern France. He likes to be near water for the Pele Report, and has found a charming little creek with a mill to talk at us beside.

This week Mars goes into Sagittarius on Friday, triggering our need to break free. On the same day, Venus moves into Virgo, in a perfect square with Mars, and urging us all to remain cautious.

This is a time of healing, and also a time to travel outside the ordinary. The Sun and New Moon in Leo urged us to play, and these energies continue as the Moon moves on into Virgo, then Libra.

As we play, our spiritual energies become stronger, more magnetized.

It’s also a time to get in touch with our creative energies. Do yoga, write, dance. By getting in touch with these energies and also taking care of practical matters and by learning astrology, which uses the logical side of the brain, we can balance the incoming masculine and feminine energies from Mars in Sag and Venus in Virgo.

By saying what we want, we open our throat chakras like the Norse God Veinomoyn, who sang the world into creation. Turquoise, fluoride and blue lace agate are among the stones which are good for this chakra.


This week’s mantra:

“As I prepare to journey outside
the realms of the known,
the most important thing I need
is Love in my heart, and a song.”

Well, I am about to do yoga – am doing my neck strengthening exercises every day, working on increasing, definitely getting stronger. Balancing those energies with love and light.

Tom says to us all, “Namaste. Aloha. So. Much. Love.”

Rainbow Blessings. Om Shanti.


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