Movie Quotes #1

Jonathon: “Heaven isn’t a place. It’s perfection.” “I don’t like limits. I want to fly faster, learn more. I can fly 275 mph and that’s not fast enough.” “It always works when you know what you’re doing.” “I really am a perfect idea.” “Can’t they see the glory they will be when we really learn to fly?” “Forgive them and help them understand.”

Chang: “So much of loving is giving. Just think love and see where you turn up.” “Like attracts like. Whatever you think – that is where your body will be.” “The only laws that matter are those that set you free!” “Seek out your heart of light. Let your song be heard!” “What is perfect speed? 1,000 mph limit. 1,000,000 mph limit. Speed of light limit.” “Perfect speed isn’t speed at all. Perfect speed is being there.”

This charming movie based on the book by Richard Bach closely explores the life of Jonathon Livingston Seagull (also the title of the book and the movie). As a young seagull, he is not interested in hanging out at the beach looking for fish like the other seagulls. He loves to fly, and flying becomes the sole activity to fill his life.

After reaching new limits of speed with his flying, he is discovered by his teacher, Chang, who then guides him in the ways of the wise seagulls who can zap from here to there and who have transcended all seagull misery. Enlightened zen masters. He teaches Jonathon to go anyplace, anywhere.

When teaching him how to teleport, he tells him, “Begin by knowing you’ve already arrived.” So Jonathon begins by telling himself, “I’m already there. Not limited by time and space. I am a perfect expression of freedom.”

At first he tries to hard, and fails. For always we must surrender. This is when Chang tells him, “”You don’t need faith to fly. You just have to understand flying.”

This movie is also a parable about the life of Jesus Christ of Nazarene, who followed not the religion of his peers, who walked amongst the blind, the downtrodden, the misunderstood. Performed miracles and spoke always of love and forgiveness.

Misunderstood, feared, and persecuted. Jonathon goes through all of this and more. Son of the Great Gull, he was born to be a teacher, to teach kindness and love to whoever wanted to learn.

The movie is available on Gaia TV, directed by Hal Bartlett.

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