Too Close For Comfort

Well, we just had the closest call I have had in many many years. Lord have mercy on us all. It was super intense. My son and I ended up going downstairs to hide in the neighbor’s closet because we live upstairs.

A tornado went right over us, followed by hail and and thunder and lightning bolts striking right at our apartment complex with pouring rain and howling wind.

Moved all the plants to a safer spot. I was just in the middle of sorting out all the bills when the tornado drill began to sound.

We held hands and said the Lord’s prayer as we kept track on our phones. The drill went off four times!

Whew. Everybody in town is on FB, all letting each other know we are safe. Crazy Oklahoma weather !

This woman has had enough excitement for today. Now it’s time for fish and salad followed by watching Mocking Jay part 2, something I have been looking forward to for some time. I read all the books and enjoyed them a lot.

Have a good Friday, my friends. Feeling so thankful right now.

Om namaha shivaya.


    • Thank you. xxxx I’m so relieved that my family is safe too, and all my friends here in Norman. They don’t usually ever head straight towards us. Instead they head toward Moore, which has been wiped out three times since I moved back.

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      • Norman, on the other hand, is quite a wonderful town. Since we have the University of Oklahoma here, there is a lot of diversity and a great deal of culture. We are known as the City of Festivals.

        And it has never been flattened by the tornadoes, but on occasion they have touched down here and there, stripping shingles off roofs and branches off trees, kind of a tease compared to total devastation.

        What about where you live? Do you guys have plenty of shelters?

        We do not have one where I live.

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      • No, tornadoes here aren’t quite as common. Unless someone has a basement or an old fashioned storm cellar, we have to go to an interior room at the bottom floor of whatever building we are in. Trailer parks sometimes have designated shelters. If we start having more powerful tornadoes then they might consider different building codes and shelters. I think the issue with that is if we have a powerful tornado, it’ll be a little late.

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      • Our wretched governor denied a bill proposed for storm shelters for our schools, even after the disaster three years ago claimed the lives of six school children. So backwards.

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