Loving Our Shadows

The past few months have certainly been quite intense! Been missing y’all and am finally in a space where I can create. This space is both in my surroundings and in myself. It’s taken a good while to get my bearings after moving in, while juggling duties of family life (not quite empty nest, but very, very soon), self healing, giving massages and studying healing modalities like trigger point therapy, acupressure, Thai yoga bodywork, aromatherapy, meditation, crystals and herbs.

Being broken so long ago and limping through life at times and other times running marathons and 100 yard dashes has given me such an intimate relationship with Coyote. The Trickster often guides the way, the way of the fool who happily steps off the precipice into the void. Luckily, my angels always surround me and protect me regardless of what I am going through. And this body gets stronger. Hatha yoga and postural mindfulness and strengthening exercises help a lot, as do my crystal healing baths.

Jupiter in Scorpio til November and the recent several weeks of Mars also in Scorpio brought ample opportunity for shadow work, and it is not all pleasant. But if we deny our shadows, they loom larger and more ominous, and if we turn away from our own shadows in fear we create blocks which require Love to dissolve. That’s what surrendering is all about.

Through the cold month of January and my second anniversary at WordPress, I have had to cocoon myself yet again, for sometimes my wings get torn due to the Trickster laughing in and out of my life. And of course we will call experiences to us until we get the lesson.

I know this and am working on releasing old patterns which no longer serve me, and yet find more work to do yet again.

Being in the eclipse corridor, a sense of timelessness accompanies the thick, juicy energies accompanying our literal transformation as the photon belt has arrived and we are also leaving the cosmic debris of an area in space where a galaxy died, and we have been traveling through this dust and darkness for thousands of years.

But now, as predicted in holy books and prophecies around the world, we come to the end of the Kali Yuga age, the end of the Age of Pisces, and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.

These are the times of the Rainbow Warriors. Each of us with open hearts are part of the Rainbow Bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.

The time is now, and several more months to explore our shadows.

Also, Uranus is in fiery Aries still, and will be moving into Taurus, which is ruled by Venus, in May, and this is important because Uranus is the planet of electricity and change.

May your Monday be blessed wherever you are on this planet. And remember we are all connected.

A’ho Mitakuye Oyasin. Blessed be. Om Shanti.


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