The Hall of New Beginnings

Floating between
in the hall of
New Beginnings

this world between worlds

where infinite possibilities

stretch out
the imaginary
of Time.

This is No-Time
and No-Space,
this Longer Now,
this No-Thing-Ness

place where I am free,

I am loved and loving,
this cloak of pain and scars
softly fading,
my rainbow cloak
brightly glowing,
for I herald from the stars.

Planted in this world of Light
and Shadow to help new beginnings grow.

My children are my garden,
they are the quivering arrows
of life shot from my bow.
They are grown into saplings now,
their roots digging deeper into this earth,
their branches spreading far and wide,
they too are planting gardens,
they too are in this Hall of New Beginnings.
They too herald from the stars.

Healing now,
loving ourselves,
loving each other
loving this world and
all her inhabitants
we are breathing
and loving the New Earth
into being.

Om Shanti.

Blessed be.

A’ho Mitakuye Oyasin.

© Kamea Moonmaiden


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