Humanity’s Glass

Twisted shadow images
reflected through shattered glass.
Desperately struggling to
break this illusion, to
shatter this distorted reflection
where hate, war and suffering live.
Sinking to the bottom of the pit of despair
humanity moans – we’ve been living a lie.

Suddenly, the glass is shattered,
and billions of faces are now peeping
at each other, peeping out from
behind our masks,
all searching for the key
to sweet surrender.

How can peace be found through war?
How many lives must be sacrificed
before the answers will be found?

Take a deep breath, brothers and sisters,
and a good look around.
Flip the coin of Fate right over
and see what can be found.
Can we embrace the Lotus flower?
Can we reclaim our Divine power?

All the scattered shards
are quaking, trembling in pain,
hearts are breaking –
until finally we see
that forgiveness is the key.
It’s not our differences that matter –
it was that darkened reflection
which caused the glass to shatter.

We find that the freedom from war is peace
and the scattered shards begin to reunite
as people’s hearts commune in love and light,
and we realize there is never a reason to fight,
for whenever we hurt another,
we have hurt our very own brother.
And when we live in Love,
we walk in Grace –
perhaps catch a fleeting glimpse
of the Holy Face,
and we are one solid mirror image now –
look face to face
with who we really are –
One Brilliant Shining Star.

@ Kamea Moonmaiden 2004

I had the blessing of reading this at Groovefest the Spring of 2004 to at least a hundred people. It was scary, but so rewarding. This is one of my gifts to humanity. May we all love one another.


    • Thank you. There are times, when I haven’t been able to sleep much at all for days and therefore the veils between the world’s become much thinner, that I have seen people peeking out from behind their masks.

      This happened to my parents when they went on a sleep fast back in the Seventies. My mom was quite powerful. Xxxxx


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